Call Dr Pete Jones Today: 01909 733810
Implicitly® and Bias Test are two unique online tools which is able both to measure the strength of our people preferences (biases) but also to assess the risk of those biases becoming exclusionary behaviour.
Both test platforms can be used as both an organisational audit (to identify the types and levels of bias), a personal development tool, and as an evaluation metric to judge the impact of an intervention. They are unique in being a criterion based Implicit Association Test (IAT) developed for commercial use, whereas other IATs are norm based and tell us nothing about the impact of our biases on our behaviour ( see Blanton and Jaccard, 2006).
Both platforms allow tests to be completed directly and anonymously for audit purposes through a single log-in.
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The development of Implicitly® and Bias Test have been well documented in various papers over the years:
Recent & Relevant Publications and Papers
Jones, P.C. (2008) Practice Makes Perfect: the impact of prior exposure to ‘Implicitly’, the ethnic origin
based IAT. Presented at the British Psychological DOP Conference in Stratford January 2008.
Jones, P.C. (2008) The construct validity of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) methodology when used to detect racist job applicants. Presented at the British Psychological DOP Conference in Stratford in January2008.
Jones, P.C. (2009) Using implicit association as an programme evaluation tool. Presented at the British Psychological Society DOP conference in Blackpool, January 2009
Jones, P.C. (2009) So What? The criterion validity of the implicit association test. Presented at the British Psychological Society DOP conference Blackpool, January 2009.
Jones, P.C. (2009a) Order Effects In The Use Of The Implicit Association Test Presented at the British
Psychological DOP Conference Blackpool January 2009.
Jones, P.C. (2009b) Prejudiced personality: do some people just dislike everyone? British Psychological DOP Conference Blackpool January 2009.
Lord, W & Jones, P.C. Measuring unconscious bias. Association of Business Psychologists annual conference Wobaston.
May 2009.
Jones, P.C. Unconscious gender bias. Women as leaders conference London Metropolitan University December 2nd.2009
Jones, P.C. Detecting unconscious bias. Psychometrics Forum New Frontiers conference. Dec 3rd. 2009
Jones, P.C. The effects of repeated exposure to diversity based implicit association tests on subsequent test latencies British Psychological Society Conference Blackpool. January 13th-15th. 2010
Jones, P.C. Hero to Zero: dealing with unit-to-unit and zero point criticisms of the Implicit Association Test British Psychological Society Conference Blackpool. January 13th-15th. 2010
Jones, P.C. ‘Groupiness’: Using individual differences in cognition, beliefs and motivation to tailor anti- prejudice intervention. British Psychological Society Conference Blackpool. January 13th-15th. 2010
Ginsberg, J. & Jones, P.C. Individual differences in virtual teams. British Psychological Society Conference Blackpool. January 13th-15th. 2010
Jones, P.C. Predicting employee discriminatory behaviour. International Congress on Workplace Bullying and Harassment. Cardiff. June 2nd-4th 2010.
Jones, P.C. Prejudice reduction without the tears: Emerging models for organisational bias reduction interventions. Institute of Work Psychology Well Being and Performance conference. Sheffield June 29th-July 2nd 2010.
Jones, P.C Measuring our unconscious bias. Institute of Work Psychology Well Being and Performance conference. Sheffield June 29th-July 2nd 2010.
Jones, P.C Understanding, measuring, managing and reducing unconscious prejudice. Pre- conference workshop presented at Institute of Work Psychology Well Being and Performance conference. Sheffield June 29th-July 2nd 2010.
Jones, P.C Developing and using Implicit Association Tests for use in Organisations; a UK perspective. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference Vienna July 14th-16th 2010.
Jones, P.C . Using implicit metrics to audit and reduce or manage unconscious bias in organisations. EWAOP Small Working Group on Diversity Aston, Uk Sept 23rd-24th 2010
Jones, P.C Bias reduction at work; first pilots of a battery of bias reduction tools for organisational settings British Psychological Society DOP Conference Stratford Upon Avon January 12th-14th. 2011